You may have been wondering why Brood X cicadas were so quiet for the past few days. You may think it’s because it was too cold - actually, nope! Cicadas took a trip to Nepal and quite a few brave should attempted to climb Mt. Everest (cicadas through, well, it’s record low temps on the East coast, how much worse can it be on top of a mountain?) Well, very cold, as it turned out :P

Cicadas loved the basecamp as they were acclimating to the mountain air. They didn’t want sherpas since shapers did not speak cicada


To give you a sense of scale - it’s quite an undertaking!


Things were going well until…


An unexpected snowstorm hit!


Many cicadas did not make it through the storm :( But two brave souls persisted!


Sadly, one of the two succumbed to snow blindness but the winner finally made it up on top of the world!


Now that Brood X cicadas went from our backyard, to national, to global, to the top of the world… The next logical step for them is to - go into outer space! They are getting ready for their lunar mission as I type this!